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Man page of sfl2txt
Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: April 2011
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This program extracts labels for regions of a soundtrack from Sound Forge SFL files and saves them as TXT Files recognized by Audacity. The reverse operation is also
supported. The SFL files are assumed to be created by saving the regions list as a separate file, should that not be the case, the program is likely to be inaplicable.
The converter can perform sfl to txt and txt to sfl conversion. Additionaly, there is support for SubRip SRT files, as the original files that prompted the converter's development were transcriptions of speech in a video file. Although it should be noted that this feature is auxiliary, for SRT lacks support for important traits of the other two formats, especially for overlapping regions. Nonetheless, it still can be used to create a starting point provided there is an already existing file with subtitles and you would like to work with the markup in Audacity. It also may be of some use to export the labels into an SRT file, though it most likely would require a lot of post-processing in subtitle editors, e.g. gaupol.
A note on character encoding: the converter treats the labels "as is", not performing conversion of character sets of any kind. Therefore, if the encoding of source and target files should be different, you should use iconv or similar software do change the encoding of the TXT or SRT files. Trying to convert SFL files in the same manner will be futile.
- -r sample_rate
Set sample rate in Hz, default is 22050 Hz. Necessary for correct processing of sfl files, where its value must match the sample rate of the corresponding audio file. Otherwise, the timing of the labels will be wrong.
- -f source_format
Format of input file (sfl, txt, srt). If set, takes precedence over filename extension. Default value is "sfl".
- -t target_format
Format of output file (sfl, txt, srt). If set, takes precedence over filename extension. Default value is "txt".
- -i input_file
Name of input file. Its type will be determined based on the filename extension unless -f is set. If not set, reads from standard input.
- -o output_file
Name of output file. Its type will be determined based on the filename extension unless -t is set. If not set, writes to standard output.
- -s
Generate the name of the output file using the input filename with appropriate extension (if there is an extension, it is replaced; otherwise, it is appended).
- -h
Displays short help message, listing all the options.
- -v
Shows the program's version.
- sfl2txt -i samplefile.sfl -o samplefile.txt -r 44100
will convert from SFL to TXT assuming the sample rate of 44.1 KHz.
- sfl2txt -t txt -i sample.sfl | iconv -f cp1251
will convert from SFL to TXT, writing the result to standard output; iconv then will convert the encoding from CP1251 to the current system encoding, displaying the result.
- more sample.sfl | sfl2txt
performs converting with default values (sfl to txt, 22050 Hz), reading sfl from standard input and writing the TXT file on the standard output, or, simply put, printing it to the screen.
- sfl2txt -i samplefile.sfl -s
this will output the results to 'samplefile.txt', assuming the default parameters (sfl to txt). Since the input filename has an extension, it is replaced by the target type (txt).
The project's homepage is on
The source code and whatnot can be downloaded directly from
You can contact the author via project's forum at
The original software is being developed under GNU/Linux, specifically under Debian (currently Squeeze), using a 32 bit system. AFAIK, it should compile and work under 64 bit, but that is yet to be confirmed. Also, it is possible to compile the sources for MS Windows using mingw compiler and the result will run fine under WINE, but compatibility with original MS products is untested.
GNU General Public License v.3 or higher.
This document was created by
using the manual pages.
Time: 08:34:36 GMT, April 12, 2011